Seducing Him

Huo Yunshen was stunned by her appearance until Xu Xiyan knocked on the window.

"Did you change your clothes?" he asked.

"Yup. How is it?"

"It's good, but… aren't you cold in that?" Huo Yunshen asked as he swallowed his saliva.

What he had intended to say was that she was showing too much cleavage. Almost half of her chest could be seen. There was no way that Huo Yunshen would let her wear that out and let other men stare at her.

"It's not cold at all. Even if I was cold, this dress matches your shirt," Xu Xiyan smiled.

Huo Yunshen wore an ironed white button-down, and it perfectly outlined his tall and muscular body. With his perfect facial features, people could say that he was a living hormone.

Huo Yunshen got down from the car, and Xu Xiyan thought he was going to open the door for her. But to her surprise, he pulled her back into the house by her shoulder.