Whoever Dared Touch His Woman

But what she did not expect was the clash between their fans as a result of her words.

Xu Xinrou had accumulated her fans for many years and she had more than 10 million fans on Weibo. But because of the public's poor opinions about her, many of her fans had become anti-fans.

Whereas, Xu Xiyan's Weibo account, Jing Gongzi, had accumulated about five or six hundred thousand fans shortly after her debut.

These fans were all accumulated after her singing performance with Ni Yun and her scandal with Huo Yunshen.

Although it was not a large number, the quality of her fans was very high. The fans who loved her stood up for her and viciously criticized Xu Xinrou. It was very satisfying.

One day, a week later, Xu Xiyan suddenly received a message from LK, informing her to go to the LK Tower.