Caught Them in Bed

Huo Yunshen called Xu Xiyan twice again and got the same response.

Xu Xiyan's phone was off, and Huo Yunshen panicked.

He quickly called Yi Xiao and made him investigate which hotel it was in the news.

Even though Huo Yunshen was skeptical about it, he still couldn't stop himself from making sure.

Only when he saw it with his own eyes would he be able to calm down.

When the door to the hotel room was kicked down, they could clearly hear the moaning inside.

The closer he got, the faster his heart beat.

He couldn't even begin to picture what it was like to see his own wife in bed with another man.

A woman was riding on a man in the bed as her boobs shook from her motion.

It was disgusting to see.

But one look at the woman's back and Huo Yunshen was sure that it wasn't Xu Xiyan.

Because Xu Xiyan had a cloud-shaped tattoo on the bottom right of her back.