Not a Soft Person

"Wait, don't panic." Xu Xiyan stopped Wan Dou. "Get back, both of you. Let me take care of the snake."

Xu Xiyan noticed the hiking cane beside her and used it as a weapon.

She poked the snake with the cane, and the snake noticed Xu Xiyan's presence. It got up and lunged at Xu Xiyan.

With a swift motion, Xu Xiyan avoided the snake and hit it on its head with the cane.

The snake fell onto the ground, and Xu Xiyan took the chance to pin it down with the cane. She grabbed the end of the snake and lifted it up.

"Looks like we can make a good soup with it," Xu Xiyan joked.

"Please don't," Ni Xuelin said. "But you really are something."

Wan Dou and Ni Xuelin were scared to death but lucky for them, Xu Xiyan was able to catch the snake.

Xu Xiyan threw the snake into a bucket and covered it up.

"But why is there a snake in our room?" Wan Dou sighed. "How am I supposed to sleep now knowing that snakes might attack us."