Greatly Traumatized

Lan Ling-Er analyzed smugly.

Sha Labi was worried. "Miss, what if someone dies? Will the young master come after us?"

"What are you afraid of? Even if that woman is bitten to death, can my brother still bear to kill me? Don't worry, he would not trace it back to us! We only have to take care of their corpses tomorrow morning."

Feeling pleased, Lan Ling-Er turned off the lights for Sha Labi and went to sleep.

As they slept till after midnight, a hissing noise came within the room. When Sha Labi turned over in her bed, she felt something cool and slippery with her hand.

Instinctively, she flung that thing away, but her hand was bitten by it. "Aaaaaaaah!"

Hearing the screams, Lan Ling-Er turned on the light and saw Sha Labi grabbing onto her arm, shaking her hand in pain.

The two women looked down under the bed. Oh my god! There were a bunch of snakes under the bed! They were slithering all over the place, some trying to climb onto the bed.