Danger At Midnight

Since Xiao Yu's mother had bad eyesight, Xu Xiyan had to take care of her.

After promising Xiao Yu's mother that she would take care of the little girl, Xu Xiyan rushed out the door with Xiao Yu in her arms.

Xu Xiyan ran to the parking spot, straight towards the car that Lan Ling'er was sleeping in and woke her up.

Xu Xiyan told Lan Ling'er that there was an emergency and she wanted to borrow their car.

Yet Lan Ling'er wouldn't lend her the car, and Xu Xiyan could only put Xiao Yu in the back seat before pulling Sha Labi out of the car, pushing her into the back and driving away.

"Jing Xi! Do you even know what you're doing?" Lan Ling'er scolded from the backseat.

"I'm trying to save a life! If you still want to be a nuisance, I'll kick you out of the car!" Xu Xiyan threatened.

Lan Ling'er immediately shut her mouth after being intimidated by Xu Xiyan.