There Was A Traitor

Sorrow, the irreconcilable sorrow was taking over.

It was extremely heartbreaking!

He had been hiding his identity for so many years in order to protect his family.

But today the dearest three were killed.

His grandfather, father, and mother were all dead.

It was miserable!

It was he who had gotten them into this.

He was the most sinful throughout generations in the Huo family!

The bombing in Huo Mansion became the breaking news throughout the city and shocked all sectors of the society.

It was the grand wedding at the beginning, and in the next moment it turned into a disaster scene.

Everyone was terrified by the news and no one could believe it.

They all wondered why there was a bombing.

Who dared to create such horrors during Huo Yunshen's wedding?

No matter what the reason was, the bombing had panicked almost everyone in Peijing.