End His Life Personally

A Song chose to be selfish when his life was on the line.

He could only apologize to Huo Yunshen in his head.

Huo Yunshen remained silent for a few seconds and turned to face the gravestone.

"Leave! I don't ever want to see you again," Huo Yunshen said.

"Sir, take care…"

A Song thought that Huo Yunshen was letting him go and turned to leave.

But before he even took more than 10 steps, he heard shots fired from behind him, and he looked at his chest where holes had appeared.

Shocked by the sudden gunfire, A Song fell to the ground.

Behind him, Huo Yunshen remained facing the grave, but a gun had appeared in his hand.

To him, A Song had to die by his own hands.

He told A Song to leave because he did not want to witness blood splattering near him or it would remind him of the scene where his family members lay in puddles of blood.

It would made him go berserk and seek for blood.