No Going Back

Jing Xi wore an elegant long dress with a tail over 10 meters long. She ambled towards the throne with her head slightly down.

It was clear that she was not happy about the wedding, but it gave her a feeling of nobility.

Huo Yunshen was finally able to see his wife. As she walked towards Mo Yutian in her wedding dress, he almost could not hold himself back from standing out to challenge the emperor.

If Helian Qingyu was not beside Huo Yunshen, he might've done so. No man in the world could watch blindly as their beloved one was being married to another man.

It was as if his heart was bleeding, and he was having trouble breathing.

Mo Yutian stared at Jing Xi on his throne, unable to hide his excitement when he saw her elegant appearance in the dress.

She's finally going to be my wife! Mo Yutian celebrated in his mind. How would Huo Yunshen react if he was here to see this!