Holding Him Tight

"I'm Princess Lan. Can't I visit my own sister-in-law?"

Lan Ling-Er questioned the guards.

The guards had to reply frankly, "Our apologies, Your Highness. His Majesty ordered that no one can see the Queen privately, not even you, Princess Lan."

"Not even me?"

Lan Ling-Er winked at the two behind her. Huo Yunshen and Helian Qingyu got her hint, took down the guards and dragged them away in no time.

Then they came into the Queen's chamber to witness such a scene.

The woman inside had already gotten rid of her wedding gown and was throwing a long rope made of tied strips of cloth out of the back window.

She checked on the height and made sure the rope was firm enough. Then she stepped carefully onto the sill and tried to flee from there.

Upon seeing this, Huo Yunshen darted to her without hesitation and got Jing Xi down from the sill.

She would definitely be smashed if she slipped from such a soaring castle.