
Just as Helian Xiong and Yun Xuerou were about to reach climax, the door was kicked open by an army boot.

The impact made both of them jumped from the bed.

Yun Xuerou shrieked when she saw that it was Helian Qingyu who had kicked the door down and pushed Helian Xiong aside while covering herself with a sheet.


"Don't you dare call my name!" Helian Qingyu scolded as he stared at them with killing intent. "I have been calling your phone for quite a few times, and you did not pick up. I thought you were busy, but…"

"Please, let me explain…" Yun Xuerou begged.

"There's nothing for you to explain! You are cheating on dad! How am I supposed to forgive you?" Helian Qingyu roared as he took his gun out and pointed at Helian Xiong. "And you! How dare you do this! You're my uncle! My father's brother! I thought you were a gentleman but looks like you're just another filthy animal! I'm going to kill you!"