She Would Give It A Try

Jin Xiu got out. Huo Yunshen stayed with Helian Qingyu and talked with him for a while. Helian Wei was still in a coma, but he had to leave.

He went home for some supplies and took Ying Bao back to the hospital. His mother-in-law was awake by then.

Seeing her grandmother on a drip, Ying Bao ran to her and held her hand. "Grandma, does that hurt?"

"Not at all." Jing Ruyue rubbed her on her little head and replied gently.

If it was not for the drip she would never have thought she was in a hospital. "Am I in the hospital?"

"Yeah, mother. You fell again. So we had to take you here," Xu Xiyan answered.

"That was absolutely unnecessary. I will be fine after a nap."

Jing Ruyue wanted to go home instead of staying here.

"No way! The doctor said it was quite serious. So you have to receive treatment here."

"What's wrong with me?"

Jing Ruyue knew that she was weak, but had no idea what the problem was.