
Huo Yunshen realized he should not get angry at Xu XIyan.

"I'm sorry." Huo Yunshen apologized and stepped on the pedal.

He tried to get back home as fast as he could.

Xu Xiyan could feel that the car was drifting in and out of the lane, but they made it home safely.

Huo Yunshen did not help his wife out of the car. The first thing he did was run straight back to the manor.

Xu Xiyan could hear something break not long after.

She knew that Huo Yunshen might be provoked and he was going into a rage again.

Huo Yunshen had been suppressing himself the whole night, which was the reason he had remained quiet throughout dinner.

Xu Xiyan quickly rushed back into the manor to check on him.

She pushed open the door to the study room. The room was already a mess. Huo Yunshen stood in the middle of the room, his back towards Xu Xiyan. Xu Xiyan could feel the rage he had, but she still rushed to him and hugged him from behind.