Did Not Want To Make Him Feel More Guilty

Luckily, Ye Xun reacted immediately and got the child in time.

When he put her down Ye Xun saw that Huo Yunshen had gone after Xu Xyan instead. He darted to push him into the study and locked the door.

He lifted up Xu Xiyan and called to Ying Bao, "Run, my girl!"

They rushed downstairs and shut the door behind them.

Xu Xiyan was worried about Huo Yunshen. So she called Gu Yici to come over despite it already being midnight.

"Are you OK, Little Xixi?"

Ye Xun found her to be looking pale.

"No worries. I'll be fine in a minute."

Xu Xiyan felt some disturbance with her unborn babies.

"How often does he get like this?"

Ye Xun did not dare to think what would have happened if he had not been here tonight. Would Huo Yunshen have dropped Ying Bao from upstairs?

"He has been on medication and it seems to be working. It might have been seeing me reunited with my parents tonight that provoked him."