Same Wish

When the cake was baked, Xu Xiyan and Ying Bao began to decorate it with cream and fruit.

Xu Xiyan drew Huo Yunshen's face on the cake with chocolate while Ying Bao placed cut fruit on the side.

"This biggest strawberry is for daddy, then this is for grandma, and this is for mommy," Ying Bao smiled.

"Then what are you going to eat?"

"I can eat chocolate daddy!"

With Su Wanqin and Ying Bao by her side, Xu Xiyan celebrated Huo Yunshen's 29th birthday that night.

After they finished singing the Birthday song, all of them made a wish for Huo Yunshen. They wished for the same thing: for Huo Yunshen to wake up as soon as he could.

Xu Xiyan took Ying Bao to school in the morning and went to a design college after that,

When she was almost a the gate, she saw a man trying to drag a girl into his car.

"Help! There's a pervert!" the girl screamed, and she noticed Xu Xiyan standing near them. "Please help me!"