The Best

Jing Xi quickly became good friends with Qiao Ruoyi. They would often hang out after class.

When they were leaving the campus one day, they noticed that the man who had harassed Qiao Ruiyi was waiting outside in the car.

Qiao Ruoyi quickly hid behind Jing Xi. Jing Xi had no choice but to take Qiao Ruoyi with her.

"Why are you so afraid of him? He's good looking and rich," Jing Xi asked when they were on their way to Yunjing Manor.

"You have no idea! He's a complete maniac!" Qiao Ruiyi scolded.

Jing Xi had no idea what really went down between them. But she knew that no one would avoid another person if the latter was helpful to them.

Jing Xi guessed that something had happened between them, and that it hurt Qiao Ruoyi deeply. That was why Qiao Ruoyi was hiding from him.

Jing Xi drove all the way straight back to her home. It was her first time having her classmate over.