Too Serious

"Doctor Gu, can we begin? Doctor Gu?"

Huo Erqi called out, pulling Gu Yici back to reality. For a moment there, he had forgotten that he was a doctor.

"Right. Let's begin."

While Gu Yici checked for any other injuries on Huo Erqi, he started to become furious.

There were bruises all over Huo Erqi's body. From her hands to her waist, and even to her back.

Even her legs were covered with bruises.

When Gu Yici applied pressure on her stomach, Huo Erqi yelled out in pain.

It only made Gu Yici angrier. It was his first time losing his composure as a doctor.

He suspected that Huo Erqi had some broken ribs, and she might've hurt some of her internal organs.

Gu Yici asked Huo Yunshen to take Huo Erqi to have a CT scan to make sure.

Gu Yici's suspicion was right when the results came back.

"There's a slight rupturing of her spleen, and she has two broken ribs. She has to be admitted to the hospital for further treatment."