How Ironic!

In a short while, Huo Yunshen got her admission records and number and came back to pick up Huo Erqi. Gu Yici took them to the ward.

Having settled down, Huo Erqi told her brother, "Yunshen, go take care of your business. I'm fine."

Gu Yici added, "Yeah, Mr. Huo, I'll arrange a nurse for her. You go ahead!"

"OK. I'll pick up Jing Xi and come back later."

Huo Yunshen took a look at his watch and said to Gu Yici, "Thank you, bro."

"No problem."

Hearing Huo Yunshen calling him that, Gu Yici knew that they were good friends now.

Getting out of the hospital, Huo Yunshen headed for the international exhibition center to pick up his wife.

Inside the international exhibition center.

Jing Xi and Qiao Ruoxi had already watched a series of wonderful jewel shows.

When it came to Mu Jewelry, Qiao Ruoxi was immediately upset upon seeing the model.