Time To Pay Him Back

"Now the clot is causing pressure on his central nervous system and has triggered CNSL. The doctor said he will need a bone marrow transplantation. But you know we have to find matching bone marrow first. The doctor's suggestion is to try to look for someone from his immediate family."

Speaking of that, Jing Xi almost burst into tears again and could no longer talk properly.

Su Wanqing got it. Her elder son was suffering from CNSL, hence needed a bone marrow transplant. Her daughter-in-law had come for her help to find the matching bone marrow.

"How come it turned out to be serious." Su Wanqin could not help worrying. She held Jing Xi's hand and said, "I'll go for the match selection. When shall we do it?"

"Thank you, mother. I'm worried it will be too much for you, and that it might not work. Therefore I would like him to try. But will he be willing to do it?"