
"Okay, be careful," Su Wanqin said.

"I will."

Jing Xi waited outside the pre-school for 15 minutes until school was over.

When Ying Bao saw her mother waiting at the gate, she said goodbye to her teacher and ran towards Jing Xi.

"Mommy! Why are you here?" Ying Bao asked.

"To get you. Daddy and Uncle Treeleaf are both busy today," Jing Xi explained.

"I see!" Ying Bao smiled and showed her mother her drawing. "Look! This is what I drew today!"

Jing Xi looked at the drawing and noticed Ying Bao had drawn her family and a lot of people surrounding them.

"Who are they?" Jing Xi asked.

"This is daddy, this is mommy, this is me, this is grandpa and grandma, great-grandpa, Brother Feimo, Uncle Prince…," Ying Bao explained as she pointed at the people in the picture.

"So, everyone is in it?"

"Yup!" the little girl nodded.

"Okay!" Jing Xi laughed. "Come on, let's go home."