What Else Could She Do?

One day after the Tang Yichen family's visit, Ma Haodong and Xiao Yuqian also flew to Estan to see Jing Xi.

It had been a long while. Ma Haodong seemed more charming and responsible as a mature man.

He carried some gifts and held Xiao Yuqian's hand, moving toward the room.

Xiao Yuqian could only get rid of him at the door.

She had wanted to come by herself. But Ma Haodong managed to find out her plan and flew on the same flight with her to Estan.

She tried to kick him away. But he insisted that he was visiting Jing Xi and happened to be on the same flight with her. What else could she do?

Entering the room, Xiao Yuqian smiled at Jing Xi and said, "Yanyan, congrats! I heard you had two baby boys. I'm so happy for you."

Xiao Yuqian passed the bouquet to Jing Xi, who smiled back and thanked her. "Thank you, sister Qianqian and brother Dong, for coming all the way here."

"Of course we had to come!"