They're Gone

Mo Yutian pushed Su Wanqin to the nursery, and Ye Xun and Ying Bao followed behind them.

As they were walking, a nurse with a mask walked towards them. In his hands were two huge black plastic bags. It looked like trash.

They thought the nurse was taking out the trash and made way for him.

When they reached the nursery, they found that all of the nurses were resting their heads on the table.

Ye Xun checked the time, and it was only evening. He wondered what gave the nurses the nerve to sleep during work.

He knocked on the table, trying to wake them up, but none of them gave him a response.

Realizing that something was wrong, Ye Xun put his finger under the nose of one of the nurses and realized she was not breathing.

"What the? They're all dead!" Ye Xun shouted.

He quickly kicked the door to the nursery open and rushed in. Also realizing something was going on, Mo Yutian left Ying Bao with Su Wanqin and ran in after Ye Xun.