Giving Her Whatever She Wanted

She wanted to have a good sleep without the pills, and hoped that her husband could help.

Hearing her asking for it all of a sudden, Huo Yunshen felt surprised and encouraged. He cuddled her and placed a kiss on her lips. "Honey, I'll give you whatever you want."

He had not touched her ever since the later stage of her pregnancy.

Then she had been very depressed and never in the mood for it.

Now Jing Xi seemed to be ready to move on. Since she had already asked for it, he would definitely give her whatever she wanted.

The two souls got reunited. Huo Yunshen tried his best to console her pain with his passion and love.

He loved her dearly and madly.

Until she was too tired to grieve over the loss.

That night Jing Xi finally got rid of the pills and had a good sleep in Huo Yunshen's arms. She slept tight until the next morning.
