I'm Not Sure If I Can Leave

"That's right. I want to challenge myself with something new. This will be a new milestone for me if it succeeds," Hanson said.

It might be a milestone for Hanson, but it was also a chance for Jing Xi to take on the path to become a worldwide superstar.

Hanson held high hope for his new film. The reason he chose Jing Xi as the leading actress was because the main female protagonist was a Chinese mother.

Hanson has been looking for an Asian actress that could play the role, and An Xianming introduced Jing Xi to him. After going through all of Jing Xi's work, Hanson quickly decided that he wanted her to take the role.

"That's about it. Do you have anything you would like to know?" Hanson asked.

"No, not really. I really like this character a lot. But it might be hard for me to leave Estan." Jing Xi voiced her worries.

She still had to worry about her family and children.