He Is A Hero!

During the time Ye Xun was unconscious, Huo Sanyan would care for him meticulously as he had cared for her in the past.

She had learned many things because she considered that in the future when she wouldn't have Ye Xun to shelter her, she would need to face many things by herself.

She asked Jing Xi to start teaching her how to massage acupuncture points. She hoped this would help him in the future.

She bought some tutorial books and started to seriously learn how to cook. She hoped she would be able to make the dishes he loved to eat the most.

Ning Luoxiao also came to visit Ye Xun today. She also expressed her sadness when she saw her good friend in such a state.

"He is a hero!"

Ning Luoxiao was touched by his willingness to spill blood for the country. At the same time, she also felt sorry that he lost his left arm. However, she didn't say anything as she was afraid it would make Huo Sanyan sad. "Did the doctor say when he might wake up?"