
Ye Xun heard it. He heard someone calling out to him, and he tried to open his eyes.

His eyes moved as his eyelids flickered.

"Ye Xun…" Huo Sanyan called out as she held Ye Xun's hand. "Please, open your eyes."

Ye Xun finally found a streak of light in the darkness he wandered in.

The light started out weak but gradually grew stronger. He ran towards the source without hesitation.

The man ran and ran. He fought through the darkness with his strong will. When he opened his eyes, his world was filled with light again.

Two things slowly appeared before him.

They were faces, not of strangers.

"Ye Xun! You're finally awake!" Ning Luoxiao shouted excitedly.

"Ye Gongzi…"

The next one who called out to him was the woman he loved the most.

Tears filled Huo Sanyan's eyes.

Ye Xun had heard the same cry from her when he was still unconscious.

He knew that she was crying for him.