Give Her A Family

Sunshine Welfare Home… Bai Yanchuan's heart suddenly tightened up when he saw this name. It felt as though there was someone grasping his heart.

He remembered the scenes of when he was young and living in the Sunshine Welfare Home. He also remembered a girl who was very close to him, Little Guo'er.

When he was being adopted by the Li family, he told Little Guo'er before he left that he would come back to look for her. However, he never saw her again after he grew up.

He heard she was brought away by someone and he didn't know where she went. The family that adopted her requested to keep it a secret, which was why Little Guo'er's whereabouts were unknown.

Sometimes during the deep quiet nights, he would think about Little Guo'er's naive smile. It warmed his heart.

He used to swear in his heart that if he could find Little Guo'er, he would definitely protect her and give her a warm family.

However, where was Little Guo'er now?