Cold To Her

Even though Bai Yanchuan was excited that he had finally found Little Guo'er, he also felt guilty and ashamed by his actions.

He had married her but had been cold to her.

Huo Sanyan scolded him, calling him a coward. She was right.

Huo Sanyan and Ye Xun arrived at the hospital the next day, and Ning Luoxiao came not long after that.

Seeing Ning Luoxiao coming alone, Huo Sanyan cursed at Bai Yanchuan silently.

She couldn't believe he did not show up even after she warned him.

Ning Luoxiao greeted them, and Huo Sanyan realized she had dark circles under her eyes.

"Did you stay up the whole night again?"

"Looks like I can't hide anything from you…" Ning Luoxiao laughed wryly and yawned. "I was preparing a script until morning."

"Seriously? You do know you're pregnant, right?" Huo Sanyan scolded. "How about you go back and get some sleep? We can push back the appointment if you want to."