Wanted To Tease Her

Li Muhao rolled around on the floor in pain. In the end, it was Nen Modanni who helped him up. The two of them ran out of the hotel with their tails between their legs.

After the human trash was gone, only Xiao Yuqian and the men she didn't know were left.

"Mister, thank you very much for just now." Xiao Yuqian thanked him sincerely.

Ma Haodong took off his sunglasses at this time, revealing his chiseled face. When Xiao Yuqian saw this, a stunned look flashed in her eyes. She thought about how young and handsome this guy was. He looked to be around the same age as her younger brother.

"Is a simple thank you enough?" Ma Haodong didn't know why but he suddenly wanted to tease her.

"Then… how about I treat you to a meal?"

The only way Xiao Yuqian knew how to show her thanks was to treat him to a meal.

"How about…" Ma Haodong acted like he was pondering and paused for a while. He then replied, "How about you devote your life to me?"