
Xiao Yuqian was already hurt by Li Muhao, and now her aunt was blaming her for everything. It broke her.

"Do you think I want that?" Xiao Yuqian roared. "He cheated on me! He's the one who broke up with me! What do you expect me to do? Get down on the floor and beg to trash like him?"

Xiao Lan was stunned by Xiao Yuqian's sudden change in mood. After hearing Xiao Yuqian's reason, Xiao Lan's heart softened.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking of the family… What should we do now? How about you go meet the president of Licheng? If he can call back the proposal, maybe we can prevent them from purchasing our company," Xiao Lan suggested.

Xiao Yuqian did not reply. She knew that Li Dacheng, president of Licheng Group, was interested in her.

Li Dacheng had been trying to date her, but she'd rejected all his invites.

Licheng Group trying to purchase her father's company wasn't a surprising move either.