Quickly Leave The Wolf’s Den

She opened her eyes, saw his handsome face up close, and screamed out in shock. She pushed him away and immediately covered her body with the blanket.

Ma Haodong was awoken by her and opened his eyes. He cast a glance at her and said casually, "Are you up?"

"You hooligan… you actually did it to me…"

Xiao Yuqian could not imagine that she actually had relations with a man who she didn't even know the name of.

Ma Haodong reminded her by saying neither quickly nor slowly, "You seem to have forgotten the conditions you agreed to last night! How am I a hooligan? It was clear you were the one who kept wanting it."

"Impossible! I don't remember it!"

Xiao Yuqian's memory was chaotic and hazy. She really could not remember what happened between them at all.