One Time Couple

Xiao Yuqian left quickly after that. Ma Haodong slowly opened his eyes after she left, and no one had the faintest idea of what was going through his mind.

All Ma Haodong knew was that the game between Xiao Yuqian and him was just beginning.

Since Xiao Yuqian was afraid of running into Li Dacheng's people again, she wrapped a scarf around her head to disguise herself.

She'd dropped her purse with her phone inside when she was running away last night. She went to the reception and asked if anyone had found her wallet.

Unfortunately, no one had.

With everything inside, Xiao Yuqian could not drive her car back. She then gave up and quickly left the hotel.

After walking for a while, Xiao Yuqian realized it was hard for her to get a cab since the resort was built quite a distance away from other civilizations.

It wasn't long before a car came from behind her.