But She Experienced It Today

Xiao Yuqian knew what kind of situation she was in. She only just got out of a bad relationship with Li Muhao and she was still covered in wounds. She really didn't want to have a relationship or get involved with anyone.

The man in front of her was too young. He looked even younger than her and seemed to be very frivolous. The two of them were from completely different worlds and nothing should happen between them again.

"Is that so?"

Ma Haodong only asked a question back at her. He then stepped down heavily on the gas pedal. With the sound of a boom, he drove the sports car out.

Young, wild, and unruly. These were attributes that showed themselves clearly in Ma Haodong. Xiao Yuqian felt like she was about to be thrown out as she sat in his car.

When the car arrived at their destination, she was still completely in a frightened and confused state. Her stomach was churning and she was gasping heavily for breath.