Father And Son's First Meeting

"Uncle Ma, you were the one who saved yuan Bao that day."

As soon as Ma Haodong heard "yuan Bao," he thought of his friend's yuan Bao. "So you're yuan Bao!"

"Uncle Ma, do you know me?"

The little boy inclined his head, his black eyes big and clear. She had the innocence of a child.

"Yes, I've heard of you."

"Thank you for saving me, Uncle Ma," yuan Bao said.

"You're welcome."

Ma Haodong reached out to touch yuan Bao's head, then carefully looked at the child's facial features. It felt so familiar. Had he seen it somewhere before?

He then looked at yuan Bao's grandmother. She looked very much like Xiao Yuqian's mother!

After the interview, the reporters and the other parents and children left. yuan Bao did not leave. He could not explain why he liked this uncle.

"yuan Bao, it's time to go back. Let Uncle rest!"