I Need An Explanation

Xiao Yuqian turned around and realized it was Ma Haodong. She froze. Even if she wanted to hide yuan Bao, there was nothing she could do.

"Xiao Yuqian! I need an explanation!"

Ma Haodong stood in front of them and stared at yuan Bao's little face.

He had previously felt a sense of familiarity from the child. Now, he finally knew why.

"You've already seen it. What else is there to explain?" Xiao Yuqian sighed.


Ma Haodong smiled. As he smiled, his eyes got a little wet. God knew how happy he was right now. It was hard to describe how excited he was.

yuan Bao was Xiao Yuqian's child. Judging from his age, he was indeed his son.

Ma Haodong squatted down and opened his arms. "yuan Bao, come to daddy!"

When yuan Bao heard his uncle calling him "daddy," he felt a little excited and happy. Just like he had thought, he really wanted to pounce on him, but he still turned to ask his mother for her opinion.