Waiting For The Proposal

The biggest reason Tang Qingyuan had misunderstood Ma Hangcheng back then was because Xiao Guohua had secretly plotted against him. Otherwise, they wouldn't have broken up and there wouldn't have been such a freak combination of factors.

She had come here together with Ma Hangcheng to show Xiao Guohua how happy they were together.

After they met, Tang Qingyuan and Ma Hangcheng left hand in hand. Xiao Guohua sat in a daze for a long time.

Less than a week later, Xiao Guohua passed away from a heart attack.

Xiao Yuqian attended his funeral as his daughter. She attended the funeral because she was still a daughter.

The lawyer announced Xiao Guohua's will on the spot, saying that all of the Xiao family's assets were under Xiao Yuqian's name.

However, Xiao Yuqian did not accept it. She entrusted her lawyer to donate all of the Xiao family's assets to the welfare business and did not take a single cent.

The matter came to an end.