Do You Dare To Agree?

"Of course! They've been together for so long. Is there a need to propose?"

"Not necessarily. I don't think our President Xiao likes Boss Ma that much!"

"Then let's wait and see!"

Xiao Yuqian heard his confession. It was just so childish.

"Xiao Yuqian! Hurry up and say that you're marrying me!"

"Xiao Yuqian! I love you! Let's get married!"

After shouting for a while, Ma Haodong finally saw a glimpse of that someone.

When Xiao Yuqian walked out, all of the employees who were holding flowers made way for her, and the path extended all the way to Ma Haodong.

Seeing his goddess come out, Ma Haodong finally stopped shouting and stared at her.

Xiao Yuqian walked through the crowd and finally stopped in front of him. She did not smile and asked, "Ma Haodong! What are you doing?"

"I'm proposing. Can't you tell?"