So Handsome

"No, that's quite the personality. Hurry up and eat. We'll move after eating."


After breakfast, Yi Xiao drove to Fang Xiaocheng's apartment.

Wandou was living here alone now. When they arrived, Wandou was dressed up beautifully and just about to go out.

When Wandou first saw Yi Xiao, she did not recognize him. After taking a closer look, she recognized him as Yi Xiao. She exclaimed, "Oh my god! President. Yi, your new look is so cool!"

"Don't make fun of me." Yi Xiao smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not making fun of you. You're so handsome that I wouldn't dare to recognize you on the street!"

Wandou felt that their President Yi was very handsome when he shaved his head. He had a domineering air about him.

Fang Xiaocheng saw Wandou and said, "Wandou, I'm going to move back. You can have the whole house to yourself!"

"Alright, alright. It's about time you moved back. Be happy with President Yi!" Wandou smiled.