His Heart Still Hurts

Old Madam Yi was very serious. "You are in the stage where you need good nourishment. You must take care of yourself well. This pregnant woman needs to be well-nourished during her pregnancy. It will be easier for you to give birth when you are in good spirits. Come, have another bowl of chicken soup."

The old woman was right. A pregnant woman's mood was very important.

She remembered that when she was pregnant with Yi Bei. Dazhi had passed away then and she was heartbroken and lived in sorrow. In the end, she had a difficult labor and almost lost her life during childbirth.

Fortunately, the unpleasantness had passed and she could live a peaceful and happy life again. This was indeed very helpful for the development of the fetus.

At the dining table, Old Madam Yi kept droning on and on.