Instant Warmth

She could recognize him with one look. Even though he was wearing sunglasses and a mask, she could still recognize him from his facial features.

It was Mu Chenguang!

Why was he here at this restaurant?

Moreover, he seemed to have come with a pretty girl.

Was that girl his fiancée?

Wandou could not help but feel a dull ache in her heart. She looked away and didn't pay any attention to that side deliberately. Since they had already broken up, why should she care who he was with?

Luo Fanchuan had no idea what the relationship between Wandou and the man on his left was, but he could feel that the man next to him was staring at his blind date.

He then turned to look at his blind date. Following that, he just inclined his head and stared out of the window as if his neck had been hurt.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Luo Fanchuan asked out of pure curiosity.