No Way For This Relationship

"Mom, I'm not sure what's going on between me and that Luo Fanchuan yet! He might not be able to stand my temper. There's no point in saying too much now. Besides, if he comes to see our family's conditions, I don't think we can get married. So you shouldn't worry. Let nature take its course!"

Wandou wanted to tell her mother that it was too early for her to be happy. She hoped that she would not have such high hopes so that she would not be disappointed in the end.

"How could it not be? Your Auntie Gui told me personally that Young Master Luo thinks you're very interesting and wants to develop himself. I think this is very reliable. Think about it. If you marry into the Luo family, won't we be able to live a good life in the future?"

"That's enough, Mom. Wealthy families aren't as beautiful as you think they are. Stop dreaming, Mom! Can you not tell me about matchmaking every time you come back? Can't you say something else besides this?"