Tricked By Him

"Doudou! Young Master Luo is here! Come out and greet him!"

Just as Wandou was resting in her room, she heard her mother calling her from outside, saying that Young Master Luo had come. She thought that it was Luo Fanchuan and quickly came out to take a look.

But when she saw that the man sitting on the old sofa in the living room was not Luo Fanchuan but Mu Chenguang, she froze.

Didn't Mu Chenguang… leave?

Why did he come back? And why did he bring so many things here?

"Mom, he's not Young Master Luo. He's my friend."

Wandou came up to him with a complicated feeling in her heart. A few minutes ago, she thought that Mu Chenguang had seen her family situation and left in shock. But she did not expect him to come back with so many things.

"What?" Wandou's parents were stunned. They didn't know what was going on.