We Must Not Let Them Get What They Want!

"So you want me to elope with you?"

"What else can we do? If Wen Zhehan wakes up, do you think he will let us go? I was the one who pushed him down. He will definitely come after me!"

Li Hou felt that he could no longer stay in the Wen family. He couldn't even stay in Peijing. The best way was to escape as soon as possible.

"But… what would happen to Xiaoyu if we leave?"

"It would be best if you could persuade Xiaoyu to go with us. If she doesn't want to, we can only go by ourselves."

Li Meien did not say anything else. Her heart was in a mess right now. If she were to leave with Li Hou, she would probably have to live a life where she could not see the light of day for the rest of her life. The glory and wealth of the Wen family would no longer have anything to do with her.

The best case scenario was that she could be together with Li Hou and have endless money.