Don't Let Anyone Get Close

Wan Dou put down her bowl and chopsticks and retched a few times. Seeing this, Wan Dehai asked, "What's wrong, Doudou? Is the food not to your liking?"

"No, I just feel a little nauseous. Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well."

Wan Dehai was more worried. "Then what should we do? Why don't I stay here and watch over Sir while you go back and rest?"

"No need. I can stay here. This ward is spacious, so I can rest inside."

Wan Dou stroked her chest and took a few deep breaths. She felt better.

Just as she was about to pick up her bowl to eat again, Mu Chenguang stopped her. The man suddenly grabbed her wrist and asked anxiously, "Wandou, you're nauseous. Are you pregnant? How long has it been since you had your period?"