Everything Changed

So, Wan Dou got someone to decorate her father's bedroom again. She personally chose the furniture and decorations inside.

At the same time, he also got someone to open a bedroom for his father on the first floor. It was reserved as his temporary residence. Because his leg was fractured, it was inconvenient for him to go up and down the stairs.

Everything was ready. The next day, Wan Dou went to the hospital to pick up her father.

Mu Kangan and the old couple of the Wan family came to the hospital to visit. Mu Kangan also took the opportunity to apologize to the Wan parents.

All the unhappiness that had happened in the past could be wiped away with a smile.

When Mu Kangan learned that Wan Dou was pregnant, he was very happy. He declared in front of everyone, "Zhehan, I think the two children don't have to get engaged. They can just get married!"

"I think so too," Wen Zhehan agreed.