A Dirty Deed

Now that Li Meien and Li Hou had been punished, Wandou could go back to the Wen family without any worries.

In the Wen family, Wan Dou met Wen Shiyu. Wen Shiyu's leg injury was already better, but her temper was getting worse.

"It's all your fault. Why did you come back?"

"This is my home. Why can't I come back?"

"Are you satisfied now? Ever since you returned to the Wen family, you've torn this family apart. I originally had a perfect family, but now it's gone because of you. If not for you, my mother wouldn't have been taken away, and my father wouldn't have been hospitalized!"

Wen Shiyu already knew that her mother and the others had been arrested. She felt that the culprit was Wan Dou.

If Wan Dou had not returned to the Wen family, everything would not have become like this. She would not have lost her complete family and would not have ended up in such a miserable state.