Tell Her The Truth

"Mrs. An, we've found out that you've had a miscarriage a few months ago. Your uterus is very thin. If you continue to have a miscarriage now, it might cause you to be infertile for the rest of your life. You might even have to remove your uterus. We suggest that you take good care of the child!"

After the doctor finished speaking, Xue Yating looked at the doctor and then at An Jichuan. She said angrily, "How is that possible? When did I have a miscarriage? You must've colluded with each other. You didn't want me to abort the child, so you colluded in advance! I've never had a miscarriage!"

An Jichuan saw that her condition was extremely unstable and asked the doctor to leave. He continued to comfort her. "Tina, don't be too agitated. It's a doctor's mistake! You can't have a miscarriage! Isn't Su Su fine?"