A Little Worse

"I have something to ask you. You have to tell me the truth. Don't lie to me! If you dare lie to me, I will hate you forever!"

Xue Yating looked at him coldly. The trust between them had completely collapsed.

"Okay, I won't lie to you. Go ahead and ask!"

An Jichuan tugged at his tie and waited for her to continue.

"The doctor said I had a miscarriage a few months ago. Is that true?" she asked calmly.

An Jichuan really did not want to answer this question. He had promised Xue Zhengrong not to tell her, but now that she had come to ask him, how could he lie to her again?

He nodded.

Tears rolled down Xue Yating's cheeks. Her lips trembled as she asked again, "Then what's going on with Su Su? Isn't Su Su my child with your brother?"