You Belong To Me Tonight!

He couldn't help but sigh. Fate was yours. It was yours in the end. If it wasn't yours, you wouldn't be able to get it even if you forced it.

After chatting for a while, Xue Yating looked at the time and said, "Su Su, it's getting late. It's time to sleep." She then said to An Jichuan, "Come and coax her to sleep. I'll go take a shower."


When Xue Yating came out from the shower, An Jichuan had already coaxed the child to sleep. Xue Yating looked at the room and asked, "Where's our daughter?"

"In her own room."

"Thank you. You can leave now."

Xue Yating understood. She pulled up her pajamas and glanced at him. In order to guard against him, she specially chose a set of conservative pajamas to wear.

An Jichuan looked at her and walked towards the door. But who knew that he would go to the door and lock it, then turn around and walk back.

"We have an early flight tomorrow. Hurry up."
