She Was Going Crazy!

In the morning, Xue Yating first sent her daughter to school and then went to the pharmacy to buy the pill. After that man did that to her, she would take the pill in time to prevent any more unnecessary deaths.

She did not want to get pregnant again. Her career was about to start afresh. She could not afford any more accidents.

She went to the pharmacy before heading to Chenguang Music Company. Mu Chenguang called her and told her to go there and discuss some details.

As for the concert, there was a piano violin duet. Originally, they had chosen the internationally renowned piano master, Clayde. But because his schedule was too full, he could not come, so he recommended his beloved disciple, Fredle, to help Xue Yating. Now he wanted to ask Xue Yating if she would accept it.

"No problem. I believe that Master Clayde's beloved disciple is also very skilled!"